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山东大学数学学院导师介绍 栾贻会

发布:2012-12-08  来源:



2004.8— 至今, 山东大学数学学院,教授.

2006.4—2007.7, 美国宾州大学和南加州大学合作研究;













2005—2007,BOOSTING 方法的统计研究及其在基因表达数据分析中的应用,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,独立。


14.Qin Chang, Yihui Luan and Fengzhu Sun (2011) Variance adjusted weighted UniFrac: a powerful beta diversity measure for comparing communitites based on phylogeny. BMC Bioinformatics 2011, 12:118

13.Wenhui Wang, Wangshu Zhang, Rui Jiang, and Yihui Luan (2010) Prioritisation of associations between protein domains and complex deseases using domain-domain interaction networks. IET System Biology, 4, 212-222.

12.Zhiyuan Zhai, Shih-Yen Ku, Yihui Luan, Gesine Reinert, Michael S. Waterman, and Fengzhu Sun (2010) The power of detecting enriched patterns:An HMM approach. Journal of Computational Biology, 17, 581-592.

11.Wenhui Wang, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Yihui Luan and Fengzhu Sun (2009) Usefulness and limitations of dK random graph models to predict interactions and functional homogeneity in biological networks under a pseudo-likelihood parameter estimation approach. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:277 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-277.

10.Luan, Y. and Li, H. (2008) Group Additive Regression Models for Genomic Data Analysis. Biostatistics, 9, 100-113

9.Jiang, J., Luan, Y. and Wang, Y. (2007) Iterative Estimating Equations: Linear Convergence and Asymptotic Properties. The Annals of Statistics, 35, 2233-2260.

8.Li, H. and Luan, Y (2005) Boosting Proportional Hazards Models Using Smoothing Splines with Applications to High-Dimensional Microarray Data. Bioinformatics, 21,2403-2409.

7.Ip, W_C, Wong, H., Xie, Z. and Luan, Y.(2004) On comparison of jump point detection for an exchange rate series. Science in China(A), 47, 52-64.

6.Luan, Y. and Li, H. (2004) Model-based methods for identifying periodically expressed genes based on time course microarray gene expression data. Bioinformatics, 20, 332-339.

5.Luan, Y. and Li, H. (2003) Clustering of time-course gene expression data using a mixed-effects model with B-splines. Bioinformatics, 19, 474-482.

4.H. Li, and Luan, Y. (2003) Kernel Cox regression models for linking gene expression profiles to censored survival data. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 8, 65-76.

3.Luan, Y., Xie, Z. and Li, D. (2003) Frequency change points estimation in hidden periodicity model. Acta Mathematicae Sinica, 26/2, 214-224.

2.Li, H., Luan, Y., Hong, F. and Li, Y. (2002) Statistical methods for analysis of time-course gene expression data. Frontiers in Bioscience, 7,a90-98, May.

1.Luan, Y and Xie, Z.(2001) The wavelet identification for jump points of derivative in regression model. Statistics & Probability Letters 53/2, 167-180.



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